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60+ High School Bucket List Ideas to Do Before You Graduate

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Ultimate High School Bucket List

Do you want to create the ultimate high school bucket list?

Here are 60+ ideas to add to your bucket list and complete before you graduate!

high school bucket list ideas

Everyone says it, but four years of high school really do fly by.

While I am not one of those people who will say that high school was the best years of my life (I’ve definitely had more fun in the past seven years since I graduated high school!) I was able to make some incredible memories and have great experiences during high school.

High school is actually when I created my first bucket list, and I’ve been ticking things off it ever since.

Need some inspiration for your own high school bucket list? Here are 60+ ideas that you can try to accomplish in the next four years before you graduate.

If you’re a senior, be sure to check out the ultimate senior year bucket list too!

High School Bucket List

Bring on the Ideas!

Join a sport… even if you aren’t good!

Go for a road trip once you get your license

Crazy Bucket List Ideas

Attend prom or homecoming at least once

Do a foreign exchange program for a summer, semester, or year

Get a summer job

  • Work at a golf course
  • Be a summer camp counselor
  • Start a lawn care business
  • Work at a cafe/restaurant
  • Become a lifeguard
  • Get a summer internship
  • Babysit/nanny for kids

Join a club or extracurricular activity

Go to a high school football game

Take a cruise for spring break one year

Organize the best senior prank ever

Befriend someone outside your friend group

Ditch school (just don’t make this a habit!)

Take a foreign language all four years of high school

Cheer on a less popular sporting event

Sleep outside on a trampoline with pillows and blankets

Go to a party

Crazy Bucket List

Travel to at least one foreign country

Get a disposable camera and take photos with your friends

Pull an all-nighter and watch the sunrise

Try out for a school play

Keep a journal to look back on

Take at least one semester of an interesting class (art, music, etc.)

Go to the beach for spring break

Summer Bucket List

Do something that scares you

Apply for at least one leadership position

Organize a senior skip day

Dress up crazy for homecoming, Spirit Week, and other events

Go to a pep rally

Watch all the classic high school movies

  • The Breakfast Club
  • Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
  • Clueless
  • Dazed and Confused
  • Pretty in Pink

Have a water balloon fight

Buy a yearbook at least one year

Sneak out and don’t get caught!

Host or attend a Halloween party

Halloween Bucket List Ideas

Take creative and unique senior photos

Go to a water park

Host or attend a New Year’s Eve party

Tell your crush how you really feel about them

High School Bucket List

Make friends with the foreign exchange students

Write a letter to your future self

Get the 1 Second Every Day app and make a video of your years

Apply to your dream college

Go to a concert with your friends

Music Festival

Take at least one AP class so you don’t have to take as many classes in college!

Have a shaving cream fight

Start your own business

Apply for college scholarships (it pays off!)

Crash a party

Go to a drive-in movie

Watch a school play or other event

Take a camping trip

Have a graduation party

Go to Disney World and feel like a little kid again

Set goals for your grades

Get nominated for a senior superlative in the yearbook

Have a sleepover and make prank calls

Start saving money now (it 100% pays off later)

Have a photo shoot with your friends

High School Bucket List

Reconnect with one of your friends from childhood

Ask out your crush

Go to summer camp

Make the honor roll at least once

Cheer on a school team at an away game


High School Bucket List Ideas

Hopefully you got some inspiration for making your own bucket list with these ideas.

These high school bucket list ideas will help you make the most of your four years in high school. I know it’s a cliche, but it really will be over in the blink of an eye so make the most of it!

More Bucket List Ideas

100+ Crazy Bucket List Ideas to Do in Your Lifetime

The Ultimate Summer Bucket List: 80+ Summer Bucket List Ideas

50+ Fun & Spooky Halloween Bucket List Ideas

Senior Year Bucket List: 55+ Things to Do Before Graduation